Location: Shire of Trisel, Trimaris

I am in my late forties, a proud husband, father, and a bard. I am a book pedlar by trade and a bookman by vocation. I am a romantic, a realist, and a Believer. I like a good joke, and a bad one even better. I admire all ladies for the innate beauty that is in each one, but my heart is sworn to the fair and gentle Lady Lorelei, who has consented to share my life and my name.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Rapier Dancer

Sometimes friends give me an idea for a poem. That is not to say that the poem is about them, but that they present me with an image or a concept that I can develop into a more dramatic story arc. Which is a roundabout way of saying "Thank you, Celeste."

Rapier Dancer

She’s jaguar-smooth as she steps in the light,
Blade liquid steel in her hand,
Circling her prey
With an elegant sway
‘Gainst which he’s unable to stand.

Milady Rapier Dancer,
Dancing with dagger and sword,
Slipping her weapons in past your guard
Before you’re aware what’s occurred.

Her movements suggest hidden music,
The rhythms of Spanish guitar,
Dancing by feel.
A tango of steel.
Her weapons her dance partners are.

Milady Rapier Dancer:
The melody sings in her head;
Beats out a cold-steel fandango
Dance to her tune and you’re dead.

Does her blade seek the blood of a lover gone wrong?
Is she fencing with some secret pain?
As I seek ‘neath the mask
Questions better unasked,
Her blade strikes my heart and I’m slain.

Milady Rapier Dancer,
You bleed where the scars do not show.
I’d share your pain if you’d let me in
To where your inner wounds go.

She’s armed against me within and without.
More than one mask hides her tears.
Dancing and spinning,
Striking and winning
To the music that she only hears.

Milady Rapier Dancer;
Dancing with dagger and sword,
Slipping her weapons in past your guard
Before you’re aware what’s occurred.


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