Location: Shire of Trisel, Trimaris

I am in my late forties, a proud husband, father, and a bard. I am a book pedlar by trade and a bookman by vocation. I am a romantic, a realist, and a Believer. I like a good joke, and a bad one even better. I admire all ladies for the innate beauty that is in each one, but my heart is sworn to the fair and gentle Lady Lorelei, who has consented to share my life and my name.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Knight And the Dragon

A knight rode out for adventure
One morning fair in May,
Looking for some monsters
That he could fight and slay.
He killed himself some kobalds,
Ran an ogre through the head.
And then he saw the shadow
Of a dragon overhead.

The dragon landed in his way.
It was an awesome sight,
Belching somke and fire,
And sporting for a fight.
The knight tookshelter behind a rock
While the dragon ate his horse.
He gripped his holy talisman
And prayed
to the Lord, of course.

"Oh Lord, who made King Arthur's sword arm firm;
Oh Lord, helped Saint George to kill the wyrm;
Oh Lord, who raises our spirits when they're flaggin';
Now, Lord, if you can't help me, then please don't help that dragon!"

He met the dragon in combat.
It was a terrible fight.
Theknight's sword swung from left to right
"Gainst the dragon's claw and bite.
About that time, the knight's sword broke.
The dragon let out a roar.
The knight cast his eyes to the Lord in the skies
And he prayed these word once more.

"Oh Lord, who made King Arthur's sword arm firm;
Oh Lord, helped Saint George to kill the wyrm;
Oh Lord, who raises our spirits when they're flaggin';
Now, Lord, if you can't help me, then please don't help that dragon!"

The dragon knocked the knight to his knees.
It was the end of the fight.
The knight prayed fora miracle,
That this dragon would see the light.
"Let this dragon get religion,
Be a Christian, just like me,
So that in holy charity
He'll let me to go free!"

To the knight's amazement,
The dragon bowed its head.
It didn't start to eat him,
but began to pray instead.
The knight cried, "Halleluia!
Let'sboth gofrom this place!"
The dragon said to him,
"Hush, Sir knight.
I'm trying to say Grace!"

"Oh Lord, who provides for the birds and beasts of the field;
Oh Lord,who makes these foolish knights with sword and shield;
And oh Lord, since you know how much that I like snackin'
Thank you for sending me this knight
For feeding this here dragon!"

Thank you for sending me this knight
For feeding this here dragon!"


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